Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog-olution No. 9

Hello world. Figured it was time to give another little update on the adventures. Nothing too crazy or exciting going on in Hasselt lately. A lot more school work these days which is a downer but the plus side is that classes are all finished within the next 2 or 3 weeks. Not a bad little deal huh? Semester abroad, 9 week semester...I think I like the sounds of it! It's been raining almost every day here a little bit. Its real nice weather up until 3 or 4 (yep) and then a little drizzle or down pour usually comes in daily. Can't complain though, still am in Europe...

Made a trip to Eksal, Belgium, it's where me amigo Ruben is from. Had a pretty crazy weekend there. Played some racquet ball there which was fun but real annoying. There are some pretty big differences between our game and theirs so it was annoying. And the ball they used was the size of a ping pong ball. Let's just say I enjoyed hating it. We lost Ruben Saturday night and were staying at his house so it was a little bit awkward when his friends, who we never met before, had to take us home to his parents, who we never met before; and they had to explain to them that we needed to stay there but....Ruben wasn't with us..again, awkward.

Other than that I've just been doing the school thing. Have 3 presentations to give next week, not looking forward to that but oh well. Got's to do what I got's to do.

Initially we were going to go to Switzerland Thursday-Sunday this week but it was pretty expensive to do so. There isn't a lot of direct transportation there from Belgium and we started planning it too late. I'll definitely make it there though. As a consolation, we're going to go to England! Summer and I are heading to Liverpool, so I'm pretty stoked for that. Get to see the ol' Beatles stomping grounds and what have you. It was much cheaper than anything else we could find and we didn't feel like sitting around Hasselt again so..

Welp, getting pretty late and the journey starts early tomorrow.

"Some days wouldn’t be special, if it wasn’t for rain; Joy wouldn’t feel so good, if it wasn’t for pain"


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